Unsent Letters
2 min readFeb 20, 2024


Every one has their own definition of courage:




  1. the ability to do something that frightens one; bravery.
  2. strength in the face of pain or grief.

If one more person tells me that there are things I have faced because I am strong, and I had the resilience and grace for them, I just might loose it. I’ve seen the memes about being God’s strongest warrior…well, if I really am one of the said warriors can I pass the baton to the next warrior, even if it’s just for a day?

If that is not possible, I just want you to know that I am hanging on a thread? It’s not exactly a thread, it’s more like a spiders web and it’s so stretched out I do not even know how I am still hanging. This is the part where I’d ask you to pray for me.

I have fought small battles and even bigger wars. The kind that I can deal with on my own and the kind that I have to gather the troops, come up with a strategy and then attack at dawn. You might be wondering what this has to do with courage.

A picture of an orange-brown brick wall, with the center brick written ‘COURAGE’
Image courtesy of Unsplash

Maybe nothing, maybe something. For me, I love fighting, I was born a warrior. I wouldn’t admit to being tired of fighting or wanting to give up easily, but here I am, doing more than admitting to it. I am dedicating a whole letter to not having enough courage to see through today sometimes. What I am not doing is giving up, tomorrow, I will wake up, and I will pick my armour and fight, because that’s courage. It’s doing the scary things no matter how scared one might be. It’s doing the right thing no matter how hard that may be. And to quote one of my friends, ‘it is working to be a better version of yourself today than you were yesterday.’

I recently read on Tumblr that, ‘courage might not be the abscence of fear, but doing the right thing regardless of it, and maybe confidence is not the absence of insecurity but knowing you have real worth despite it’. So, here’s to living life courageously.

“Courage is found in unlikely places.”
J.R.R. Tolkien

This one is heavily inspired by Pst C, thank you

  • Love, Light✨ and Courage
  • Day 29 of 30

Unsent Letters

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Unsent Letters

Things I wish I had said. Things I desperately want to say. Having the courage to write. Connect with me on